Monday, October 15, 2012

How you eat is how you feel.

Make sure your diet includes fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This can seem like a no-brainer, but eating does more than nourish you and keep you healthy. There are studies that show how you eat is how you feel. If you want to be at the top of your game, you've got to put the right fuel in your body. Get on the treadmill and start running away the pounds! By running you will be increasing the amount of calories that you burn as well as improving the physical shape of your body. This will help to keep you looking and feeling younger well into your middle and old age. When going out to dinner, ask the server not to bring appetizers. Many restaurants offer their customers a basket of bread or chips before they eat their meal. Keep in mind that you need to avoid this type of food and not overeat. The best way not to be tempted is to ask for these items not to be brought to your table. 

The process of dining out starts before you even leave the house. Luigi Gratton shares ways to ditch the bread basket and learn how to read the menu when dining out, for some healthy choices.


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