Monday, January 27, 2014

Proven Ways Fitness Improves Our Lives.

Proven Ways Fitness Improves Our Lives

Healthy Weight:

Exercise helps people shed extra pounds, and it boosts metabolism so that calories are burned more quickly.

Here is a quick 30 min workout you can do at home.

30 squats
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Alternating Lunges
30 Second Plank
10 Push ups
30 Crunches

Do this series 3 times with exercises back to back and a short break in between sets and start burning some calories!

Proven Ways Fitness Improves Our Lives.

Here is the first in a series of short shares. Proven Ways Fitness Improves Our Lives.

Exercise stimulates brain chemicals that are linked to less depression and anxiety, leaving exercisers feeling happier.
Exercise.....nature's anti-depressent. 

Keep on the look out for the next short share.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Want to burn fat quicker and more efficiently?

Want to burn fat quicker and more efficiently? One available option is from a plant that’s native to Indonesia: garcinia cambogia.

See why Dr. Oz is a raving fan of this fat buster.
What Is Garcina Cambogia?  Garcinia cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit, sometimes called tamarind. This plant offers one of the least expensive herbal supplements on the market. The ingredient from the rind of the fruit could hasten your weight-loss efforts. The natural extract is called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), and researchers claim that HCA can double or triple one’s weight loss.
With proper weight-loss efforts (dieting and exercising), the average person taking HCA lost an average of 4 pounds a month!
Garcinia may also be great for emotional eaters. Those who participated in the study showed an increase in their serotonin levels; hence, it may also improve mood and sleeping patterns.
For a quick grab and go fat buster. Check out Skinne by Nutrie. Skinne offers 500mg of Garcinia Cambogia in a convenient 2oz drink with zero calories, nutrients, herbs and Omega fatty acids.