Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Embrace competition & be a winner every time

 Embrace competition & be a winner every time, discover good fitness blog from Herbalife

Being active is fun and rewarding in itself but adding an element of competition can take you to a whole new level.  If you find yourself needing a new challenge, if your routine is becoming lackluster, or if you want to simply up-your-game, then signing up for a competition might be just what you need!

Whatever your fitness level, there is bound to be something out there that will light up your competitive spirit.  Obviously, as an ex-Olympic sprinter, my thoughts always go to running first, but you can find a way to set yourself a challenge in any type of sport or activity.  Maybe you could challenge a family member to a bike race, take part in a community activity day or join a swim team? I’m going to give examples about running a 5K but my tips can be applied on any type of competition.
I like 5Ks because they can provide a level of competition for all fitness levels.  Maybe you can just challenge yourself you walk the full five kilometer course, or – at the other end of the scale – you could try to complete the distance in the fastest time. Whether you are a seasoned athlete, a stay at home parent, or a weekend warrior, setting your sights on walking / jogging / running a 5K is an achievable and rewarding goal.

To make sure you’re ready for competition -
ask yourself these four simple questions. 

1.    Is my training routine the best routine for me?

Training for a competition is not a one size fits all situation. Recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses will enable you to address the areas of your body that need work.
My 5K example: if you are constantly tight in your hamstrings and hip flexors then adding more extensive stretching to your training plan may help you run more freely.

2.    Do I understand how I meed my body to perform?

Think about your competition: if you’re covering a long distance than pacing yourself is vital.  If you need a powerful start, then your training needs to focus on those first moments of your challenge.
My 5K example: a 5K race involves using your aerobic system approximately 80% of the time and your anaerobic system approximately 20% of the time. Following a training plan that trains both of these systems effectively can result in a faster time on race day! Training your anaerobic/sprint system will give you a confidence boost too because knowing you can “out-kick” people in the final stretch is a great feeling.

3.    Am I fueled efficiently both before and after a training session? 

When it comes to an endurance type of competition, selecting a good fuel to power your training and eating high quality foods to rebuild and regenerate after your workout is important. Just like a car cannot run without gas, you can not compete well on an empty tank. When you are preparing for a competition, make smart choices and ensure you are consuming “good” carbohydrates and proteins.
My 5K example: the great thing about fueling up for a 5k race and training is that it is very simple and easy. Unlike running a marathon you do not need to overload the night before with carbohydrates and fats because the duration of the race is so short.Carbs and fats are an essential energy source for high intensity aerobic exercise but your body probably has sufficient fat stores to call on if needed, so focus your energy on fueling up on quality  carbs before your run.

4.    Is my equipment good for me?

Selecting equipment based on your personal needs can drastically improve your performance.  When you first get started out on an activity, make sure you are comfortable and, if necessary, protected. Then, if you start to take part in an activity regularly, consider investing in equipment that’s tailored for you.  Often specialist equipment can give you an edge, provide extra support or improve your technique.
My 5K example: just because your friend loves to run in one type of shoe, it does not automatically mean they are good for you too! Did you know that excessive pronation (foot instability) can slow each stride down by 0.2 seconds? It may not sound like much but, when you think about how many strides you take in a 5K, that 0.2 seconds can multiply into a few minutes.


Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

Monday, April 29, 2013

How to eat less overall … by eating more protein

How to eat less overall ... by eating more protein | Herbalife | DiscoverGoodNutrition.com
Another reason to eat protein at breakfast. Protein helps keep you full and satisfied until lunch – and a new study suggests it might even help curb snacking at night.

If you keep up with the latest in dietary advice, you can probably list a few reasons why protein is such an important nutrient.  It’s necessary, of course, to help you build and maintain your muscle mass, and it’s also known to be a much better at filling you up than either fat or carbohydrate – which is why we suggest that people aim to have a good source of protein at each meal or snack.  The idea is simply this:  high carb meals don’t stay with you, while higher protein meals can help control hunger from one meal to the next.  But here’s something else… a recent study by Heather Leidy1 suggests that a high protein breakfast not only helps control your appetite until the next meal, it might reduce unhealthy snacking in the evening.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obesity and Exercise

Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in America. At present 66% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight. Approximately 34% of Americans are obese, which equates to approximately 72 million Americans.

The causes of obesity are complex however, few disagree the primary problem is energy balance (too many calories consumed and too few expanded). It has been suggested that adults who remain sedentary throughout their life span will lose approximately 5 lbs of muscle per decade, while simultaneously adding 15 lbs of fat per decade. In addition the average adult will experience a 15% reduction in fat-free mass between the ages of 30 and 80. It has been determined that body fat is not an age related problem, but instead relates to the number of hours individuals spend exercising per week.

Regular physical activity and exercise is one of the most important factors related to long-term successful weight loss. Exercise should be as frequent as 5 days a week. 40-60 minutes per day, or 20-30 minute sessions twice a day. For exercise beginners activities should consist of low-impact aerobics (walking, rowing, stationary bike and water activities). For the more advanced light resistance training can be added to burn more calories and increase lean muscle mass.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Eggs are pretty much the gold standard against which all other proteins are judged. For starters, they’re cheap. You can’t beat a three-buck dozen.
But they’re also a solid diet staple because they're loaded with amino acids, antioxidants, and iron, making each 85-calorie egg—which somehow delivers 7 grams of protein—a beyond solid investment in your health. Let us break your egg choices down for you:
  • Brown vs. White? It’s up to you. The difference in color just varies based on the type of chicken—they both have the same nutritional value, says Molly Morgan, RD, a board certified sports specialist dietician based in upstate New York.
  • Eggs vs. Egg Whites? While egg yolks do contain cholesterol, they’re also full of nutrients like B vitamins, plus they contain about half of the egg’s protein. Unless you’re watching your cholesterol intake, there’s no need to shy away from the whole egg, as long as you’re not overdoing it.
  • Regular vs. Free-Range vs. Organic?Advantage: Organic. These are certified by the USDA and are free from antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones.
So, now that we’ve got all of that out of the way, it's time to change your egg game. Here we’ve rounded up eight of the best ways to whip them up—or add them into other dishes.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Summer countdown: get fit & tone up in 6 weeks

Summer countdown: get fit & tone up in 6 weeks | Discover Good Fitness | Herbalife
There are about six weeks left before summer is here!  For many people that’s a cause for celebration but others may be concerned about shedding their cold weather clothing and revealing a body that’s gained a few pounds over winter.  But, if you act now, you can start work on attaining the body you want.

Today, I’m going to share three dos and three don’ts to help you reach your body beautiful goals. Let’s start by setting some realistic expectations. With the summer months fast approaching, many people feel pressured to shift extra pounds quickly. Unfortunately, many people also then become despondent because extra weight doesn’t magically disappear as fast as they would want.  The ‘get thin quick’ frenzy is often started with great intentions, but if it isn’t accompanied by realistic goals then it doesn’t have much chance of success.
As a personal trainer this ‘get thin quick’ frenzy brings mixed emotions.  Part of me is excited to help people jump on the path to a healthy, active lifestyle. The other part of me feels concern about how misunderstood nutrition and fitness are by the general population. I hate to see people begin a new routine with enthusiasm only to abandon it before they see results, so let’s make sure everyone understands what an achievable ‘get thin quick’ plan could look like.
Everyone should feel body confident and with six weeks until summer there is plenty of time for you to make a few lifestyle changes that will deliver visible results. Let me help you by giving you three simple dos and don’ts to help you start achieving your summer fitness goals. 

DO start now

There is no better time than today to get started with a positive approach to fitness and nutrition. Of course, you need to check with your medical provider to ensure you are healthy enough to participate in increased physical activity.
Once you get the all clear, you should get started immediately because wishing and daydreaming about having a perfect body in time for summer isn’t going to get you any closer to your goal! A simple walk or bike ride is a perfect place to start. And then make sure you’re at least a little bit active the next day and the day after next too.

Do take a slow and progressive approach

Jumping into a fitness routine that is too difficult may achieve two things; you may either quit because your body is sore from the sudden increase in activity or you could sustain an injury that derails your carefully laid fitness plans. So, take it one day at a time and choose activities that you enjoy.
Aiming to complete at least 30 minutes of activity each day is a great starting point and the great news is that almost every exercise can be modified to fit your current fitness level.

DO set realistic goals and develop a long-term plan

If you want to get thin and show off ‘6 pack abs’ by summer then you need to already have a reasonably low body-fat percentage. Starting a consistent exercise routine will help you firm up all over and work towards a ‘6 pack’ one day even if you don’t manage washboard abs by this June!
Setting an achievable goal will help you stick with your fitness plan, so work towards bringing your body fat down by a percentage point or two and then keep up momentum.  And remember; feeling active and healthy is a far more satisfying goal than just aiming for a tummy that ripples with muscles.
Healthy weight-loss per week is about 1-2lbs and, although there are no set guidelines for body-fat loss, a 1% loss per month is considered safe according to the American Council on Exercise.
I believe that the key to success with fitness is making exercise fun and achievable.  It’s also important to avoid the pitfall of doing too much too soon so let’s look at my top three don’ts that could block your summer body success:

DON’T opt for a radical diet or crazed fitness routine

The promise of rapid weight-loss and an incredibly toned physique will tempt many people to try an extreme diet or go from the couch straight into a high-impact fitness routine. In my opinion, this approach is one of the main causes of the yo-yo effect in diet and exercise and often leads to weight-gain rather than weight-loss.
People may experience initial rapid weight-loss but because they can’t possibly sustain extreme plans for a prolonged period, many people find themselves overeating and slumping back on the couch in a short amount of time.

DON’T weigh yourself every day

Weight alone is not a true indicator of a successful training program. Jumping on the scale too often may make you feel disappointed and tempted to quit. Instead of focusing on exact weight-loss, consider measuring other success factors.  It’s often rewarding to aim for improved heart rate at a set intensity level or increased strength – judged by lifting an increased amount of weight. Measuring body fat and body measurements such as waist, hip and arm inches may provide you with a little extra motivation that your hard work really is paying off.

DON’T workout without a plan

If you are setting your own workouts without the help of a trainer, you should still attempt to make a fitness plan. In order for your body to change, your workout must change too as you adapt to your new increased activity. In simple terms: as you get fitter and your workout seems easier, you should increase your intensity or duration as this will push your body to improve. This approach follows the simple principle of adaptation and a fitness journal will help you track your progress..
The truth is that there are no shortcuts when it comes to weight-loss and an improved fitness level because a slow and steady approach is always the most successful route to long term results. But in just six short weeks, it is possible to see your body adapting to positive changes – and that means it’s definitely worth getting started today! Even if you don’t manage a ‘6 pack’ this summer, you might be well on your way by next summer and by the time the holiday season rolls around maybe you might be shopping for that perfect party outfit in a smaller size.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Mindless to Mindful Eating for Weight Loss

The art of successful weight loss remains elusive for many. On one hand we learn that effective weight loss programs should shift their focus from outcome-based goals where we exhibit less control (e.g., losing 20 lbs. in 15 weeks) to more behavioral-based processes where we exercise more control (i.e., small strategies implemented daily). But we also learn that to better motivate by building importance and anticipation, we should de-emphasize daily caloric differences (e.g., 300 kcal deficit in 24 hours) in favor of speaking to a 31 pound weight difference in a year (i.e., 300 kcal x 365 days = 109,500 kcal or 31 lbs.). Although both effective, they might also be interpreted as somewhat contradictory strategies, so what do you do? In a practice where strategies generally target diet and activity, consider adding a new strategy that incorporates elements from both, yet also addresses the impact of environmental stimuli and how they influence eating behaviors. This strategy is slowly taking center stage as a key player in tackling the challenge of weight loss (1). Examine environmental cues and learn how to shift eating behaviors from mindless to mindful.
What we are discovering is many of us remain mindless, consciously unaware, over 100 – 300 calories of nibbles and bites throughout the day and only become mindful of what we actually eat when surpluses or deficits reach 500 – 1,000 calories (2). For example, if you overate today with an extra meal or 1,000 additional calories, you would probably think consciously about the consequences and quite consider compensatory actions or resolutions. However, the mindless 100 – 300 calories accumulated throughout the day (e.g., two small candies at a co-worker’s desk, a bite of your child’s ice-cream bar, etc.) generally fail to trigger conscious awareness. By the same token, many feel that they pay attention to everything they eat, but on average, we make more than 200 daily food decisions, although we believe we only make about 15 (3). The truth is that we often behave mindlessly around food and although some may discount 100 – 300 kcal daily, it can amount to a 10½ – 31 lbs. (4.8 – 14 Kg) weight gain in a year.
The focus therefore of this article is to examine various environmental cues that stimulate sub-conscious overeating and offer helpful mindful takeaways to consider sharing with your clients.
Portion Size
It is probably safe to assume we all agree portion sizes have increased steadily over the past 30 years for many reasons – technological improvements to economically mass produce food and consumer demands for more cost value. Yet, this slow and ever-expanding portion distortion, coupled with our ‘clean-plate’ mentality has spurred overeating. One interesting study examined different portion sizes with stale five-day old popcorn revealing that people consumed 53% more popcorn (173 kcal) when given larger containers (4), even with bad food.
As portion sizes expand, so do the tools used to eat (e.g., plates, glasses, etc.). Try reducing portion sizes by mini-sizing eating tools (e.g., use smaller plates or side-plates; use taller thin glasses, rather than shorter fatter glasses which can reduce over pouring up to 37%). Try capping portion reduction to 20% as this generally goes unnoticed. Portion size reductions reaching 30% or greater increases conscious awareness of the reduction inducing a sense of deprivation, and may trigger a psychological reactance effect (1). This is a phenomenon defining behavioral responses that occur when regulatory actions threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms (5). In other words, when a person feels deprived of their choices or freedoms then undesirable behaviors become more appealing, motivating a person to recapture that threatened parameter.
Pace the Clock
After eating, the presence of food in the stomach and gastrointestinal (GI) track, and the entry of food into the blood trigger neural and hormonal responses that turn off our hunger sensation. Hormones such as leptin from the fat cells and cholecystokinin released from intestinal cells can suppress the urge to eat further. However, it is estimated that these responses may take up to 20 minutes after those first bites to take effect, which raises the question over how much calorie consuming damage one can do in 20 minutes. On average, fast food is consumed within 11 minutes, whereas food consumed in a moderately-priced restaurant takes 28 minutes (6). Implement a strategy to control your client’s eating pace by taking the time to stop, sit and eat, or to sit with the slowest eater in the group. Be mindful however of the dining ‘pacesetter’, the person who may unknowingly sets standards for how much food and how fast it will be consumed (7). If this person eats chips and salsa, he or she may influence others to mindlessly join in and eat comparable amounts. Identify the slowest eater and mindfully avoid the pacesetter.
In Sight Equals In Mind
The power of sight (what we see) can stimulate or suppress appetite, so be mindful of both. In a bottomless soup bowl study (automatically refilling bowl v. regular bowls) those eating from the bottomless bowl consumed more soup and 73% more calories (155 kcal v. 268 kcal) (8). Interestingly, the bottomless bowl group never made mention to feeling full and both groups, as expected, under-estimated total calories eaten.
On the other hand, we have also learned that sometimes what we see can raise our level of consciousness or awareness as to how much we are overeating. In a chicken wing study, when bones were left in plain sight for people to see how much they ate, they actually consumed 28% less food (9). Considering our stomach cannot count, and how we consciously or subconsciously are forgetful in tracking what we eat, we may need mindful reminders.
Interestingly, individuals who pre-plate their food (i.e., bring all they plan to eat to the table before eating) as opposed to making several trips to the buffet line will eat 14% less food (1). The takeaway message is that we need to be more vigilant about our ‘clean-plate’ mentality; sometimes visibly seeing what you plan to eat or have eaten may give reason to pause and be more mindful.
Out of Sight Equals Out of Mind
We appreciate a bargain and often buy in bulk because of its value. In industrialized nations (e.g., U.S.), this mentality is amplified by abundant wholesale stores and larger vehicles, whereas in nations where individuals walk to purchase groceries or drive smaller cars, buying in bulk is sometimes not an option. Generally, when buying in bulk, we tend to initially overeat from these larger containers, then grow tired of the food whereupon it becomes a castaway in the refrigerator, freezer or pantry (10). Researchers have also discovered that individuals consuming snacks from clear jars consumed 71% more food versus food concealed in opaque containers (11). Removing food visibility decreases temptations for mindless snacking (seeing, smelling or thinking). The takeaway message – if buying in bulk, immediately repackage larger containers into smaller, non-see through containers and store out of sight – this helps curb subconscious eating. Even a small strategy such as placing a lid on a container or covering it with foil can curb mindless munching.
Don’t Deprive Foods (Comfort Foods) – Control Them
Many food desires and cravings are trigged by thoughts, emotions or environmental stimuli. When we have such desires, comfort foods become a prime target to satisfy needs (1). People seek out comfort foods for many reasons, including rewards, celebrations, or feeling happy, bored, depressed or lonely. Although positive moods generally lead to healthier food choices in comparison to negative moods, we must help our clients consciously understand their triggers that spark specific food desires (12). Once mindfully aware of triggers, strategize distractions since these thoughts and emotions are generally short-lived. Aim to satisfy the thought or emotion while simultaneously reducing the likelihood of eating (e.g., calling a friend, expressing thoughts in a journal, playing with a pet or doing an activity). Keep things simple – the idea is to distract a short-lived desire, but also recognize that if the desire still persists after the distraction (i.e., a few minutes), allow the individual a small mindful indulgence to avoid any psychological reactance.
A trade-off is another effective strategy for controlling mindless eating. Give people autonomy (ability to choose) to choose their behavioral action, but use consequential persuaders (i.e., give client the power to choose from several options, while concurrently making them aware of the consequence of each choice). This again reduces chances of psychological reactance. For example, making them aware that a 100 kcal snack is equivalent to a 23-minute walk or standing for 52 minutes (13). Present these consequences and let them decide.
  • Women: 1 kcal = 20 steps walking (1-minute walking = 4.3 kcal).
  • Men: I kcal = 17 steps walking (1-minute walking = 5 kcal).
Control Choices
When more food choices and colors are presented, we typically imagine more enjoyment from the food. By comparison, when we have decreased food choices, we often experience a perception of less food enjoyment (1). Putting the same food into multiple bowls can also result in people perceiving more choices and eating more, by up to 18% (14). A challenge with food choices is that we don’t fully comprehend how much we should take or want, so we gauge our decisions by what we think is appropriate. When there is more food or when we perceive there is more food, we tend to think eating more is appropriate, a concept called sensory-specific satiety (1). In a study using M&Ms®, researchers compared 7 colors versus 10 colors, and while each color tastes the same, those given more color choices ate 43 more M&Ms® (99 v. 56 in total) (15). The takeaway message is that by controlling the number of food choices available, we may subconsciously develop a perception of less enjoyment from the food and may actually eat less.
De-convenience Convenient Foods – Create ‘pause points’
This approach is to make snacking a hassle and not a habit. This can be accomplished by making snacks less accessible and creating ‘pause points’ where one has a moment to consciously contemplate the consequences of snacking and possibly avoid mindless eating. In one study chocolates were placed on the corner of a desk, in a drawer, and then on a file cabinet six feet (1.85 m) away in random order (16). The results demonstrated that when chocolates were easily accessible (i.e., on the desk), an average of nine chocolates per day were eaten. By comparison, only six and four were eaten per day with chocolates in the drawer or on the filing cabinet, respectively.
Another classic and often-cited study looked at eating behaviors when conscious cues where utilized to help control eating. Participants were served tubes of regular Pringles® potato chips and allowed to eat as many as they wanted, but in some tubes red chips were placed at regular intervals (7th or 14th interval; 5th and 10th interval in follow-up study), a process called segmenting. Interestingly, in the tubes with no red chips, individuals ate significantly more chips whereas they ate less with the smallest red chip intervals (17). Individuals eating from the red chip tubes were also better at estimating how many chips they ate. Segmenting packages appears to effectively reduce food consumption by helping:
  • Call attention to and encourage better monitoring of eating
  • Controlling portion sizes
  • Breaking automated eating sequences by introducing a pause
The takeaway is to move snack foods outside of six feet where an individual has to physically move to access the food, giving time to structure an opportunity for a‘pause point’ where consequences can be contemplated (e.g., that 100 kcal snack will require 20 minutes of walking). Likewise, implementing strategies whereby eaters are given conscious ‘pause-points’ may also help curb mindless eating behaviors.
 Halo Effect
Healthy foods continue to garner more attention and popularity, but be cautious not to lose sight that healthy does not necessarily mean fewer calories. In a study comparing individuals who ate at McDonalds® versus Subway®, it was the people who ate at Subway that underestimated total calories consumed by a larger margin (34% underestimation v. 25% at McDonalds) (18). The notion of healthy may give eaters a false sense of confidence, believing that choices are healthier and leaner. The takeaway is to read the fine print – don’t be fooled by ‘healthy marketing’ where because food appears healthy, it must contain fewer calories.
Know your Dietary Danger Spots
Many of us are unaware of our dietary danger spots, those locations where we tend to exhibit poor dietary behaviors (choices, portion sizes, or rate of food consumption). Take time to become more aware of your client’s problematic eating environments as this is certainly an area where we can help them improve. Table 1 provides simple strategies to implement to take control of these danger zones.
 Table 1: Dietary Danger Zones
3-11-2013 9-46-34 AMExpectation Assimilation
Be aware of what is called an ‘Expectation Assimilation’ which refers to the expectations that the environment may have upon current and immediate eating behaviors (1). In a wine study using the same wine, but labeled either as a new wine from California (known for good wines) or from North Dakota (not known for good wine), participants were served the same food from the same servers, in the exact same environment, yet those drinking California wine consumed 11% more calories, dined for 10-minutes longer, and enjoyed their experience more, indicating that the food tasted better (19). The findings of this study appear to be one where our expectations of the eating experience may influence choices and quantities before we even eat. The takeaway is to explore environmental stimuli where clients find themselves overeating or choosing more calorically-dense foods.
In closing, whereas traditional weight loss models focus more exclusively upon the parameters of diet and activity, the goal of this article was to present another opportunity we can address when helping our clients target weight loss. Whether you’re a personal trainer or an NASM Weight Loss Specialist (WLS), it is important to simplify the process of behavioral change while motivating them with some of these simple ideas. Recognize that you should not implement multiple strategies concurrently, so create a to-do checklist, identify easiest strategies to implement first, challenge your clients to try them once, then build repeated behaviors as their self-efficacy and ability improve, then progress your program to target more problematic areas.

By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES
NASM Director, Continuing Education

Monday, April 15, 2013

How to put diet advice into practice

How to put diet advice into practice | Discover Good Nutrition from HerbalifeYou know what you should be eating because you’ve heard most diet advice before – but you just can’t quite figure out how to apply that diet advice to make it part of your daily eating routine.  Here are some tips to help you put your nutrition knowledge into action.
For those of us in the US, mid-April means one thing – it’s tax time.  Many dread it, and put it off to the last minute – in large part because completing your own tax return is difficult,  it’s  complicated, and just so darned…. well, taxing.  But as tough as it may be, it’s apparently not nearly as hard as figuring out how to eat well… in an online survey1 of more than 1,000 Americans that was released last year, 52% said that it was harder to figure out “what you should and shouldn’t eat to be healthier” than it is to figure out “how to do your own taxes.”
Choosing a healthy diet just shouldn’t be that hard.  And, it’s not for lack of knowledge.  In general, people seem to know what they should be doing – in the same survey, for instance, most people said they were trying to limit their intake of salt, fat and sugar and were trying to eat more fruits and vegetables.  But when you look at  what people say they’re trying to do – and what they’re actually doing – there’s a bit of a disconnect.  We may be able to “talk the talk”, but we don’t seem to be “walking the walk” – the majority of Americans don’t get the recommended number of fruits and veggies every day,  intake of added fats and sugars is at an all-time high, and 44% of Americans eat fast food at least once a week.
So when people say it’s hard to figure out what to eat, the problem isn’t really that they don’t know what to do – it’s more that they just don’t know how.  (Of course, you also have to want  to do it, too…).  But the bottom line is this – all the knowledge in the world isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t figure out how to put it into practice.

How to put diet advice into practice

Diet advice:  Eat more fruits and vegetables

How to:
  • Make it convenient to eat them – keep a bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen counter and keep cut up veggies on a shelf in the refrigerator.  If preparing them is too time-consuming, you might opt for pre-cut fruits and veggies and ready-to-eat salad greens. 
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are nutritious and convenient – you can add frozen fruits to your Herbalife Formula 1 protein shakes, or thaw and stir into yogurt, cottage cheese or hot cereals. 
  • Add extra veggies to mixed dishes, soups, stews, omelets –  even to your Chinese takeout. 
  • At restaurants, skip the starch and order double veggies for your side dish, and start your meal off with a salad.

Diet advice:  Reduce fat intake

How to:
  • Fried foods are a big offender here – so that means that a good place to start would be limiting your intake of things like chips and French fries. 
  • Choose low fat dairy products – milk, cottage cheese, yogurt – over the full-fat versions, and opt for fish and poultry more often than fattier red meat. 
  • Added fats – sauces, dressings, mayonnaise, butter, margarine – add up quickly, too, so use sparingly or find lower fat alternatives. 
  • And watch for “hidden fats” – there’s plenty of fat lurking in foods like desserts, snack foods, breads and pastries.   
  • When you’re cooking at home, use fats sparingly when you cook, search out low fat recipes, and give your own high fat recipes a makeover to reduce fat. 

Diet advice:  Reduce added sugar intake

How to:
  • A lot of the sugar we take in comes from beverages, so choose calorie-free water or tea as often as possible, and limit your intake of fruit juices. 
  • If plain water doesn’t appeal to you, add a slice of lemon or lime, a few pieces of fresh fruit, or a tiny splash of fruit juice to your water for a bit of flavor. 
  • Let fruit take the place of dessert, and limit the amount of pre-sweetened foods that you buy.
  • Pre-sweetened cereals and yogurt, for example, can have a lot of added sugar – you’ll take in much less if you buy plain yogurt or unsweetened whole grain cereals and sweeten it yourself – preferably with fresh fruit.  Don’t worry about the natural sugars in fruit, milk and dairy products – just focus on reducing the amount of sugar that’s added to everyday foods.

Diet advice:  Eat more fiber

How to:
  • See item #1 above -  “eat more fruits and vegetables”.  Fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber, and when you make a point to eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal or snack, that can go a long way towards meeting your daily fiber goals. 
  • Beans and whole grains are also good sources of fiber – try adding some canned beans to soups and salads, or mashed into a hummus dip to eat with raw veggies. 
  • Turn to whole grains – like brown rice, barley, quinoa, millet – and whole grain foods (100% whole grain breads, pasta, cereals) rather than the refined “white” versions to boost your fiber intake.

Diet advice:  Watch your sodium intake

How to:
  • Most people get much more salt from processed foods than they do from the salt shaker – so a good first step is to eat most of your foods as close as possible to their natural state. 
  • If you buy canned foods – like veggies, tuna or soups – look for reduced sodium versions. 
  • Cut back on processed meats which are often loaded with sodium (even the so-called low-sodium versions), and lean towards fresh meats and poultry which naturally contain very little.
  • You can also ‘dilute’ the sodium in convenience foods by adding extra veggies to canned soups or doubling the amount of grains when you prepare something like a packaged seasoned rice mix (and use brown rice when you do….). 
  • And find other ways to season foods rather than always relying on salt.  Herbs, spices, onions, garlic and citrus add flavor without sodium – and you get a nutrition boost, too.
1International Food Information Council Foundation, “2012 Food and Health Survey:  Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Safety, Nutrition and Health”. 
Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In an exercise slump? Let’s fix that now!

Don’t let an exercise slump be the end of your training | DiscoverGoodFitness from HerbalifeDo you ever find yourself in an exercise slump?  You have great intentions to workout but, whoops, a day, then a week goes by and you have either stopped exercising or you’ve cut down too much.
Sometimes we all feel like missing a session at the gym but if we give ourselves a break from working out too often then we’re in danger of getting out of the habit of regular exercise.  I always say that some exercise is better then no exercise – and that’s still true – but a regular fitness routine will help you develop and reap all the positives of an active, healthy lifestyle!
If you’ve stopped exercising for any reason then these 4 tips should help you get back to your workout routine.   

My simple tips to get you back to exercising regularly in no time 

  • Don’t think you’ll instantly be as fit as you were just before you stopped. Fitness levels decline if you don’t continue using your muscles and building or maintaining your strength and stamina.  So, be patient with yourself and always exercise at a level that is suitable for your current fitness levels.
  • Try to aim for twenty or thirty minutes of exercise a day when you first start out and work out at a comfortable intensity.  As you progress, either increase your intensity or add ten more minutes each day.
  • Use your body weight for strength exercises and really focus on technique. Each week add 2-4lbs of resistance until you reach an intensity that feels like 7-8 out of 10 (with 10 being the maximum possible for you). 
  • Use interval training to your advantage.  Including rest times in your workouts lets you begin at a gentle pace.  Start out with more rest than work then slowly start to flip your equation to 50% work / 50% rest and beyond.
People’s exercise levels can decline for all types of reasons from injury to a period of overworking and reduced life/work balance to, maybe, a simple dislike an element of your fitness routine leading to making excuses not to keep it up.

Climb back out of your exercise slump!

If you do feel like you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon then there is no time like the present to climb back on but remember to go at your body’s own pace.  This will help prevent injury and it will stop you accidentally teaching your body to associate exercise with pain.  (Believe me, I hear all the time from people who go from no exercise to a few days of intense exercise only to immediately slump back to no exercise because they didn’t like the aching muscles!  Please don’t let yourself fall into this category of over-zealous exerciser.) 
I’m certain that the more fit you are, the more positive you will be but remember to take it slow if you’re recovering from an exercise slump.  If you take a sensible and fun approach then you’ll be a lot less likely to neglect your fitness routine again in the future.

Don’t let an exercise slump be the end of your training

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Stop eating so quickly – 6 tips to help you slow down

Fast eater? Why and how to slow your eating habits | Discover Good Nutrition with Herbalife | Advice from nutritionist Susan BowermanWhen you eat fast, you tend to eat more.  If you always finish your meal before everyone else, here are my top six tips to help you slow your eating habits.
“They call me the vacuum cleaner!” one of my patients told me recently.   He’s been a fast eater his entire life.  “I grew up with six brothers and sisters – so, counting my folks, there were nine of us at the dinner table,” he told me.  “As soon as mom put the food down, we’d all scramble to get our share, and then eat it up as fast as we could – because the fastest eater had the best chance of getting a second helping before it was all gone!”  Even though he no longer has nine people at his dinner table, those old eating habits die hard.  This guy can still demolish a plate of food in seconds flat.
I’ve asked clients like this to actually keep track of how long it takes them to eat, and I’m often astonished at how much food they can put away in just six or seven minutes.  Sometimes, like my client, the eating habit traces back to childhood.  But there are other reasons we eat fast, too.  When you get too hungry, or are presented with really enticing food, you tend to eat more quickly – and to eat more.   When you finally do get the chance to eat, you’re likely to shovel it in.   And, when you’re really hungry, you’re more likely to reach for the unhealthy, high-calorie stuff, too.
Your stomach needs time to send signals to your brain to let you know that you’re full – about 20 minutes or so.  And it is a matter of time, not how much food you eat. Eating more food won’t make the signals travel any faster – there will always be about a 20 minute delay.  So you can feel full on less food – as long as you can slow your pace enough to give your body time to figure it out.  Here are some tips to help you slow your eating habits.

Improve your eating habits by slowing down

Eat in courses

Rather than sitting down with a whole plate of food at one time, try eating in courses.  Have your salad or veggies first – which will allow you to start to fill up on the lowest calorie part of your meal – then dig into the main course.  If you have limited time to finish your meal all at one time (like on your lunch break at work), then eat the main portion of your meal at lunch and save the rest for a snack, so you don’t feel pressure to eat everything quickly and at once.

Take smaller bites

The larger the bite, the faster you’re going to finish your food.  When you take smaller bites, you can make the meal last longer, which gives your brain some time to catch up with your stomach.  If you’re eating food that has to be cut up first – like a piece of meat or chicken – cut it as you go.  If you cut it all up into bite-sized pieces and then dig in, it’s too easy to get it all down quickly.

Eat more high fiber foods

High fiber foods aren’t just more filling than low-fiber foods, they also take longer to eat. Crunchy raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains require more chewing than foods like snack crackers or cookies, which slows you down. 

Swallow each bite before loading up your fork again

Fast eaters often have their fork loaded and ready to go while they’re still chewing the previous bite.  If you find yourself doing this, then make a point to change the sequence.  The next step after “chew and swallow” should be “reload fork”, not “shovel in the next bite”.

Put utensils and hand-held foods down in between bites

This is another habit that may take some time before it feels “natural”, but it really can help.  Once you’ve mastered the “swallow – load fork – take another bite” tactic above, you can add another couple of steps:  “swallow – put down fork – pick up fork – load fork – take another bite”.  And if you’re eating something that doesn’t require utensils, like a burger or a sandwich, try to resist the temptation to simply pick it up and gobble away.  Instead, practice putting it down between bites.

Sip on water throughout your meal

Train yourself to take sips of water frequently during your meal.  It not only slows your pace, it also allows you to consume more water with your meal, which – in combination with the food you’re eating – could help to fill you up.
Eating slower has been shown to lead to weight loss, but maintaining a slower pace is hard for people to do – and just as with other weight loss strategies, it takes a lot of practice.  Set aside time so you can have a leisurely pace to your meals, rather than trying to “work them in” to your already overscheduled day.  Because when it comes to race to the finish, this is one time when it’s good to finish last.
 Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD.