Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, quick update...

First day in week I didn't take my Liftoff at noon. Around 3:00 a serious case of the yawns set in. Can't wait to get back on track tomorrow. I love this product.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ian's Next Level

Hey everybody, my name is Ian. I'm in my third year of rehabilitation after spinal cord surgery paralyzed me form the chest down.  Through a lot of physical therapy, hard work and dedication I have been able to surpass my doctors expectations. I have learned to walk again and to my doctors disbelief I'm running again as well. Now it is time to take it to the next level! I just started on Herbalife's core products and I plan to use them to take me to the next level of my rehab journey. My goal is putting on 10lbs of muscle increasing my energy and improving my overall health.